6 de Febrero del 2025

Arrive Safely This Thanksgiving: Buckle Up!

As millions of motorists hit the road to celebrate Thanksgiving, Illinois law enforcement will be working around the clock to make sure holiday travelers are buckled up and driving safely. The Palatine Police Department is joining the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Illinois State Police to remind motorists to Click It or Ticket.

The goal of this high-visibility effort is to reduce motor vehicle crashes and resulting injuries and fatalities. Correct seat belt use is the most effective way to protect vehicle occupants. According to IDOT, the statewide seat belt usage rate is at 93.8 percent.

The Palatine Police Department is joining in this national effort to save more lives by strongly enforcing seat belt and impaired driving laws. Statistics show that nighttime driving comes with an increased risk for injury or death. Evening hours account for a higher percentage of alcohol-related crashes, a higher percentage of fatalities and a lower percentage of occupants wearing seat belts. According to NHTSA, among passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2016 daytime crashes, 41 percent were unrestrained. Nighttime crashes show a significantly higher number of unbelted occupant fatalities at 56 percent. From November 17th through November 27th, the Palatine Police Department will institute uniformed saturation patrols dedicated to identifying and arresting impaired drivers, as well as strictly enforcing speeding, cell phone usage while driving and seat belt violations.  Additionally, Palatine Police will set up seat belt enforcement zones throughout the Village to enforce the use of seat belts.

The Palatine Police Department wants to wish everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving Holiday.  Please do your part by driving responsibly and calling 9-1-1 to report unsafe or erratic driving.  The Click It or Ticket enforcement effort is made possible by federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation.

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